image: video viewed through the telescope | Survival Kit 15. Photo courtesy: LCCAinstallation view: Survival Kit 15installation view: Survival Kit 15
Any Resemblance is Coincidentalvideo, stereo sound, telescope (on loan from the Institute of Astronomy, Riga), foil balloon, stone powder clay, polymer clay, wax, resin
The Transit of Venus was a rare astronomical event in 1769 that various empires sought to observe in order to measure the distance between the Sun and the Earth. These observations accelerated maritime navigation, further expediting colonial trade, including the trade of gunpowder for warfare. Any Resemblance is Coincidental frames astronomical drawings made from the observation of this celestial phenomenon, combining them with 16mm film, animation, text, and archival material to explore how scientific expeditions have often been harnessed to further imperialist and extractivist ambitions.
__Survival Kit 15 | Curated by: Jussi Koitela
Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Riga
Sound Design: Tuomas Alatalo